You had to see the twinkle in our boatbuilder Jay’s eyes when we milled the wood for our latest project. It’s an eight-foot bottom Little Sister Dory that’s being made of the most beautiful mahogany. “Look at that grain,” he kept saying. And it is turning into a truly striking boat.
As dories go, this is in the deluxe category. To complement the beautiful mahogany, we’re using only copper hardware. She’ll be clear finished and will be adorned with bronze oarlocks instead of the usual tholepins. Boat candy, anyone!
Already the sides are planked and, as you can see, Jay’s putting in the hackmatack knees. We plan to have her on display at the Halifax International Boat Show, February 15-18 – that’s if someone doesn’t snap her up before that.
Captain DanThe Dory ShopLunenburg, Nova Scotia,