The Dory Shop

Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada | (902) 640-3005 |

Stories from the The Dory Shop

A successful launch!

The Dory Shop

We kicked off the long Victoria Day weekend this afternoon with ‘graduation’ ceremonies for participants in our spring dory building course.

Once again, we were blessed with a great group, all eager to learn about traditional wooden boats, to get right in there with the plane or the hammer or the paint brush, and to enjoy the offerings of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia and our waterfront in particular.

The Dory Shop

As usual, we preceded this afternoon’s launch with a brief initiation ceremony. This was not to declare these folks boatbuilders – that would be determined by the success of their dory! – but to make them honourary Lunenburgers (capable of squeezing 11 cents out of every Bluenose dime, among other talents).

The Dory Shop

The launch itself went swimmingly – and no, that does not mean someone ended up in the water! In the face of a stiff SE breeze, Rick and John took the oars and rowed out to the end of the Government Wharf and back.

The Dory Shop

It went very well so we’re not sure why Hugh is holding his head in his hands in this picture but it looks like the other two are having a pretty good laugh over something.

The Dory Shop

Then Hugh and John switched positions for a second row out and back before Jay took the boat out for his final assessment. Upon returning to shore, he declared the build a success.

The Dory Shop

We’re delighted to know the boat is going to have a good home with Hugh at Sack Vegas (inside joke there!), where Rick and John can visit her when they return to Nova Scotia on future visits.

The Dory Shop

Our sincere thanks to everyone for a great two weeks, and safe travels as you head homeward.

Dory Plug